General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

These travel and payment conditions become part of the travel contract concluded with us.

An important request: After you have booked, include your travel order number with every letter or request.

1. conclusion of the travel contract

1.1. With your travel registration on the basis of our homepage you offer us the binding conclusion of the travel contract. The travel contract comes into effect with the acceptance of the registration by us in Grasbrunn. We will inform you about the acceptance, for which no special form is required, by sending the travel confirmation/invoice.

1.2. If you do not have our travel and payment conditions when you register by telephone, we will send them to you with the travel confirmation/invoice.

1.3. If the content of the travel confirmation/invoice differs from the content of the registration, we are bound to this offer for 10 days. The contract will be concluded on the basis of this new offer if you declare your acceptance to us within this period, which can also be done by a payment, provided that we inform you about the change when sending the offer.

1.4. Please notify us immediately if you, as the travel applicant, have not received your travel documents from us at least 5 days prior to departure. In this case, provided that you have paid, we will send the travel documents immediately or, in the case of air travel, we will hand them over at the airport of departure against proof of payment at the earliest one day before the day of the flight.

2. payment

2.1. Within one week after receipt of the travel confirmation/invoice, the agreed deposit shown on the travel confirmation/invoice is due. This amounts to 20% of the total price of the invoice, unless otherwise agreed before the conclusion of the contract. The balance is due 1 month before the start of the trip without further request. In any case, the security certificate will be handed over or sent to you before a payment is made, because your payments made on the travel price are insolvency-protected according to § 651 k BGB. The security certificate will be sent to you with the travel confirmation/invoice.

2.2. If the agreed deposit amount is not paid in full even after notice of default or the travel price is not paid by the start of the trip, this entitles us to dissolve the travel contract and to charge damages in the amount of the corresponding cancellation fees, provided that there would not already be a travel defect entitling to cancellation at this time. You are at liberty to prove that no or significantly lower costs were incurred. If you do not make your payments on the agreed dates and we therefore have to send you a reminder, we are entitled to charge a reminder fee of between € 5,- and € 15,- (depending on the reminder level), whereby you are free to prove that no or significantly lower costs were incurred. If the travel price is not paid in full at the start of the trip and the remaining payment is made at the hotel on site, we will charge an additional foreign payment and service fee of € 50.

2.3. Workshop participants will receive a confirmation of participation with request for payment after booking. The workshop fee is due within 7 days after receipt of the confirmation.

3. services, prices

3.1. For the scope of the contractual services, the service descriptions, as they have become the basis of the contract, as well as the information referring to them in the travel confirmation/invoice are binding. Ancillary agreements that change the scope of the contractual services require express confirmation.

3.2. Your trip starts and ends - depending on your booked length of stay - on the departure and arrival dates advertised on the homepage.

3.3. Tickets or special travel passes are valid only for the travel days specified therein. If you wish to make a change, we will endeavor to provide substitute transportation for a fee.

3.4. If you do not use individual services paid for by you for reasons attributable to you, we can only grant you a partial refund if the service provider issues a credit note, but not if the services are completely insignificant.

3.5. Unless otherwise stated, prices are per person for accommodation in 2-bed rooms.

4. service and price changes

4.1. Changes or deviations of individual travel services from the agreed content of the travel contract, which become necessary after the conclusion of the contract and which were not caused by us against good faith, are only permitted insofar as the changes and deviations are not significant and do not affect the overall nature of the booked trip. Any warranty claims shall remain unaffected insofar as the modified services are defective.

4.2. We reserve the right to change the price agreed in the travel contract accordingly in the event of an increase in transportation costs or charges for certain services such as airport taxes and flight surcharges and discounts as follows. If the transportation costs existing at the time of the conclusion of the travel contract, in particular the fuel costs, increase, we can increase the travel price in accordance with the following calculation:

a) In the event of an increase related to the seat, we may demand that you pay the amount of the increase.

b) In other cases, the additional transportation costs claimed by the carrier per means of transportation shall be divided by the number of seats of the agreed means of transportation. We can demand the resulting increase amount for the single seat from you.

If the taxes existing at the time of the conclusion of the travel contract, such as airport taxes, are increased, the travel price can be increased by the corresponding, proportional amount.

An increase is only permissible if there are more than 4 months between the conclusion of the contract and the agreed travel date and the circumstances leading to the increase have not yet occurred before the conclusion of the contract and were not foreseeable for us at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

In the event of a subsequent change in the price of the tour, we will inform you immediately. Price increases from the 20th day before departure are invalid. In the event of price increases of more than 5%, you are entitled to withdraw from the travel contract without charge or to demand participation in a trip of at least equal value if we are able to offer such a trip from our range of offers at no extra cost to you. You must assert these rights immediately after the price increase has been declared.

4.3. You are also entitled to the rights mentioned in the previous paragraph in the event of a significant change to the trip and must also assert these rights immediately after notification of the significant change.

5. withdrawal, rebooking, substitute person

5.1. You can withdraw from the trip at any time before the start of the trip. Cancellation must be declared stating your travel order number. In your own interest and to avoid misunderstandings, we strongly recommend that you declare your withdrawal in writing. The date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal by 3RIDES GmbH is decisive for the date of withdrawal.

5.2. If you withdraw from the travel contract or do not start the trip (e.g. due to missed connections), we can demand reasonable compensation for the travel arrangements made and our expenses. When calculating the compensation, we will usually take into account saved expenses and other possible uses of the travel services. You are at liberty to prove that no costs or significantly lower costs were incurred than those shown with the above flat rates or the cancellation regulations on the homepage.

5.3. The amount depends on the price of the trip. As a rule, the cancellation fees that we have to charge in the event of your withdrawal from the trip per registered participant are per person or accommodation unit as a percentage of the tour price (including any special services, e.g. events or rental cars, excluding insurance):

5.3.1 Cancellation fees

until the 31st day before departure 25%

from the 30th day before departure 40%

from the 24th day before departure 50%

from the 17th day before the start of the trip 70%.

from the 10th day before the start of the trip 90%.

from the 3rd day before the start of the trip 100%.

5.3.2 The lump sums refer to the travel or rental price and are each rounded up to full EURO.

5.3.3 If different cancellation and rebooking conditions are stated for offers and special services, these shall take precedence.

5.4. We kindly ask you to inform us of any change requests only after receipt of your travel confirmation/invoice and stating the travel order number. If changes are made after booking the trip, e.g. with regard to the travel date, accommodation, departure airport or arrival stations, we charge € 33,- per person for air and car travel, up to 30 days before departure. Later changes are possible only after prior withdrawal from the trip you have booked. It is not possible to change fixed bookings to advance bookings or to change the mode of transport, the type of travel or the destination.

5.5. If a substitute person takes the place of a registered participant, we are entitled to demand the additional costs incurred by us due to the participation of the substitute person. Participant and substitute person are jointly and severally liable for the travel price. We can object to the change in the person of the travel guest if this does not meet the special requirements in relation to the trip or if legal regulations or official orders conflict with this. The additional cost is usually € 33,- per person. For scheduled flights, rebookings and name changes are only possible as new bookings and only after seat availability (and return of any ticket already issued). Before ticketing, the additional cost is € 33 per person. The cost of rebooking and name changes after the ticket has been issued depends on the fare selected. Some special fares do not allow rebooking or cancellation.

5.6. If two or more persons have booked a double or multi-bed room together and no substitute person takes the place of a withdrawing participant, we are entitled to demand the full room price or, if possible, to accommodate the remaining participants elsewhere.

5.7. In case of cancellations, already issued scheduled flight tickets, train tickets or travel tickets must be returned, otherwise we will have to charge the full price.

5.8. Workshops can be cancelled after booking only upon presentation of a medical certificate. If the workshop participant is unable to attend the workshop for any other reason, 100% cancellation fees will apply.

5.9. Start tickets are non-refundable in case of cancellation.

5.10. In case of cancellation by the customer during a pandemic, we will charge a handling fee of € 40 per person.

6. travel insurances

Travel cancellation insurance and travel health insurance are not included in the travel price. We strongly recommend that you take out these insurances immediately upon booking the trip.

7. withdrawal by the tour operator

If a minimum number of participants expressly advertised and stated in the travel confirmation is not reached, we are entitled to cancel the trip or components of the trip stated on the invoice (e.g. events) up to six weeks (events up to four weeks) before the start of the trip. Payments made on the travel price will be refunded immediately. In this case, you shall be entitled to the rights set forth in Section 4.3, last paragraph.

8. warranty

8.1. If a travel service is not provided or not provided in accordance with the contract, you can demand remedy within a reasonable time. We are entitled to remedy the situation by providing a substitute service of equal or greater value. However, we may refuse to remedy the situation if it requires disproportionate effort. After the end of the trip, you can claim a reduction in the price of the trip if travel services were not provided in accordance with the contract and you did not culpably fail to report this on site. If a trip is significantly impaired as a result of a defect and we do not provide a remedy within a reasonable period of time or no deadline needs to be set because remedy is impossible or refused or the termination of the contract is justified by a special interest on your part, you may, in your own interest, best in writing, terminate the travel contract within the framework of the statutory provisions.

8.2. In the event of any service disruptions, you are obligated to do everything possible within the framework of the legal provisions to contribute to the elimination of the disruption and to keep any resulting damage to a minimum. If your luggage is lost or damaged during air travel, it is essential that you file a claim (P.I.R.) on the spot with the airline that provided the transportation. According to the conditions of carriage of the airlines, the notification of damage is usually a prerequisite for the enforcement of your claims. Otherwise, the loss, damage or misdirection of luggage must be reported to the tour guide. We assume no liability for the loss of or damage to valuables or money in checked baggage.

8.3. Our tour management is not authorized to accept any claims.

9 Liability, Statute of Limitations

9.1. Our contractual liability for damages that are not bodily injuries and were not culpably caused is limited to three times the travel price. Possible further claims according to international agreements or legal regulations based on such agreements remain unaffected by the limitation.

9.2. We are not liable for service disruptions, personal injury and property damage in connection with services that are merely arranged as third-party services (e.g. arranged excursions, cycling marathons and races for everyone, safaris, exhibitions), if these services were expressly identified as third-party services in the travel description and the travel confirmation, stating the identity and address of the arranged contractual partner, in such a clear manner that they are recognizably not part of the package tour for you and were selected separately. Sections 651b, 651c, 651w and 651y BGB remain unaffected by this. However, we are liable if and to the extent that the damage suffered by the traveler was caused by a breach of our duties to inform, educate or organize.

9.3. If international agreements or legal regulations based on such agreements apply to a travel service, which allow or exclude a claim for damages against the service provider only under certain conditions or limitations or make the assertion of a claim for damages dependent on certain conditions or limitations, these conditions or limitations shall also apply in our favor.

9.4. You must allow us to offset against any claims for damages or reduction in price what you have received as compensation or reduction in price as a result of the same event in accordance with the following provisions

- international agreements or

- legal regulations based on such or

- in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 (passenger rights in the event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delay) or

- in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007 (rail passenger rights) or

- in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 392/2009 (liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of accidents) or

- in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1177/2010 (Rights of Passengers when Traveling by Sea and Inland Waterway) or

- in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 181/2011 (Rights of Passengers in Bus and Coach Transport)

9.5. All possible contractual claims for non-contractual performance of the trip can be asserted against us. We recommend contacting us in writing, by e-mail or via our website

10. passport, visa and health regulations

10.1. Please refer to our information on passport, visa and health regulations of your travel country, as you are responsible for compliance with these regulations. Any disadvantages resulting from non-compliance will be borne by you, unless we had not informed you or had informed you incorrectly. This information applies to citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany, provided they are in possession of a passport or identity card issued by it. If you are a citizen of another country or a holder of a foreign passport, you often have to observe different regulations. Please check with the appropriate consulate.

10.2. We are not liable for the timely issuance and receipt of necessary visas by the respective diplomatic representation if you have commissioned us to procure them, unless we are responsible for the delay.

10.3. Technical facilities abroad do not always meet the German standard. Therefore, please be sure to observe any instructions for use.

11. information requirements on the identity of the operating air carrier

The EU regulation on informing passengers about the identity of the operating air carrier (EU 2111/05) obliges us to inform you about the identity of the operating air carrier(s) of all air transportation services to be provided within the scope of the booked trip at the time of booking. If the operating airline has not yet been determined at the time of booking, we will name the airline or airlines that will probably operate the flight. As soon as we know which airline will operate the flight, we will inform you. If the airline named to you as the operating airline changes, we will inform you of the change. We will promptly take all reasonable steps to ensure that you are notified of the change as soon as possible.

12. data protection and general provisions

12.1. The collection and processing of all personal data is carried out in accordance with the German statutory data protection provisions. Only such personal data is collected and forwarded to partners that is necessary for the processing of your trip. These and our employees are obligated by us to maintain data secrecy. You may object to the further use of your personal data for advertising purposes and/or the disclosure of this data for advertising purposes at any time by notifying 3RIDES GmbH, Niederwall 53, 33602 Bielefeld, Germany. Upon receipt of your objection, we will stop sending you further advertising material and/or will no longer pass on your data for advertising purposes.

12.2. All information on our homepage is published subject to legal or regulatory approvals.

12.3. With the publication of new trips, all our previous publications about the same destinations and dates become invalid.

12.4. Recognizable printing and calculation errors entitle us to contest the travel contract.

Niederwall 53
33602 Bielefeld


Status: August 2022

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